Course accessibility checklist
Accessibility is when you make sure that your course and its content are usable by as many people as possible. There are many ways to ensure that your course is accessible to your learners, and the following is a checklist you can use as you build your content.
Course Building Starter Pack (4 free worksheets)!
If you want to start building a course but don’t know where to start - I’ve got you! I’ve spent years building out courses for all audiences - technical devs, non-technical tech folks, K-12 kiddos, and more. So I’ve built out this Course Building Starter Pack of four worksheets to help you get started! Each worksheet will be linked to its original blog post for you to learn more about it and how to use it!
A Short Guide to Listing your Course Prerequisites (+ course prerequisites worksheet!)
Before publishing your course, you should identify and list any prerequisite skills or knowledge your audience might need before taking the course. To get started thinking about prerequisites, consider the following questions.
How to Determine Your Course Outcome (+ free course worksheet!)
A course outcome is one or more statements about what your audience will learn or what skills they will gain by taking and completing your course. Why does it matter? Having a well-defined course outcome gives your audience a clear idea of what they will gain from your course! You can use your course outcome(s) to market your course to your ideal audience. Also, knowing your course outcome will help guide you as you begin to reverse engineer the content of your course.
How to Decide on your Course Audience (+ free course audience worksheet!)
Wherever you are in your course-building process, one of the first things you will want to get clear on who your ideal course audience is. Your course audience is the group of people you are creating your course for. It's important to identify your audience so that the right people take your course, and so that the wrong people don’t take your course!
How to Conduct a Needs Analysis Before You Create Your Course (+ free worksheet!)
The key to creating an invaluable course (before you even start writing it) is to conduct a needs analysis that identifies the problem(s) your course solving for your audience. To do this, you must ask yourself and your audience a series of questions. Here is a list of questions you can use to conduct a successful and informative needs analysis.
3 Things to Think About Before Writing Your Online Course (+ course building worksheet!)
Wherever you are in your course-building process, there are a few key things to think about to make sure your course reaches the right audience with the right content. My goal is to make getting started easier for you and to set you in the right direction for a professional, impeccable course. In order to create a course outline, you can start by thinking about three things:
3 Details to Check Before Publishing Your Course (+ how to fix them)
Here are a few small details that can make a huge difference in the overall professionalism of your course. I’d recommend reading through each detail, and then checking your own course to see if you can spot anything you’ve missed!
5 Words You Can Remove From Your Writing to Make it More Accessible (and what to use instead)
If you’re writing instructional content, you want to make sure your word choice is clear and simple. Using simple language makes sure that your learner’s energy is going towards understanding your content rather than trying to understand complex words. The following is a list of words you might be using in your instructional writing that you can replace to make your writing more accessible.
4 Ways to Elevate Your Video Tutorials (and improve viewer experience)
When you’re creating your video tutorial, you'll want to make sure that they are as high-quality as possible to keep your viewers engaged and watching. Here are 4 ways to elevate your video tutorials!